Monday, June 14, 2010

bleeding all over

keeping quiet doesn't mean i don't have anything to say.
i'm struggling with tons of thoughts in me but i just couldn't rant it all out.
i hate it, when i have something to say but i just couldn't express it out.
i shut up, doesn't mean i don't know what's happening all around.
i hate myself, for being so stupid all the time.
i hate myself, for not able to let go of my ego.
i hate myself, for not able to cry out when it's time to do so.
i hate myself, for asking myself how stupid i am everytime i see things that i shouldn't.
i hate myself, for telling a lie.
i hate myself, for pondering upon this even though others don't even give a damn on this shit and continue on their lives.
i hate myself even more, to actually believe in effing promises!
i hate myself even more, for not being the one to say end first.

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