Saturday, December 12, 2009

uhm mum mum yubba yubba

sorry peeps it's been almost like what??almost 2 years since i last updated my blog?! well i don't think there's anyone dropping by anyways.

it's been long forgotten, forgot my password, and i'm just too lazy to recover it.


i'm back! life's been good. reading back the old entries..they sounded bitter. so many things happened after that, i changed my group, i changed my room, blah blah blah blah. had a fun and busy year which i think i did pretty well for such a tough year. and now i'm in my senior year which involves lotsa clinical rounds with all kinds of patients.

ok enuf said. out to photo taking.


your cute hammie classmate said...

and i'l be the frst to comment ur blog....wuahahaha! *kentut*

Anonymous said...

hey yuba yuba nice profile picture...wan more more pic ..less word :P